1. Eligibility:
a. Applicants must agree to abide by the McNab Shepherd Registry By-Laws and Code of Ethics.
2. Membership Types/Dues Required:
a. Owner: $20.00 annually
b. Breeder: $50.00 per year, Renewal $25.00 annually.
c. Breeder Special $100 for 3 years when combined with your kennel registration and includes your kennel listing on the website.
3. Dues:
a. Check for annual dues must be submitted with completed application and made out to the McNab Shepherd Registry (MSR).
b. There will be no pro-rating dues fees. Annual membership date is June 1st.
4. Election to Membership:
a. Each applicant for membership shall apply on the registration form as approved by the Board of Directors. Applicant must agree by written consent on application, to abide by the Code of Ethics and By-Laws of the MSR. Accompanying the application, the prospective member shall submit appropriate dues payment for the current year.
b. Application will be reviewed by a membership committee and approval or rejection will be conveyed to the applicant.
c. Applicants for membership who have been rejected by the Registry’s Board of Directors may not reapply within six (6) months after rejection.
d. Membership shall not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, nationality, sex, religion or sexual orientation.
5. Termination:
a. Membership shall automatically terminate when a member no longer meets the membership qualifications or is deceased.
b. Any member failing to pay dues within thirty (30) days after prescribed time shall be notified by the secretary at the members last known address. If the dues are n ot paid on or before ten (10) days of the date of notification, membership may terminate, subject to discretion of the Board of Directors.
c. For good cause the Board may terminate the membership of any member who ceases to have the qualifications for membership in this club by a vote of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of the Board of Directors at a meeting called for that purpose. The guiding principles for this meeting shall be found in Amendment 1 – The Code of Ethics.
d. Prior to taking any action, the member shall be given at least ten (10) days written notice of such pending action and an opportunity to submit a written answer to the Board. Notice shall be by registered letter to the members last known address.
e. Board action shall be final if no appeal to this Registry is taken and/or Board determines member is in violation of Registry By-Laws or Code of Ethics.
6. Reinstatement/Discipline:
a. Any member may be suspended based on conduct that is a discredit to the MSR or disruptive in nature relating to Registry activities, functions or towards individual members. Charges will be reviewed by the Board.
b. Suspension times will be at the Board of Directors discretion based on the offense. Standard negligence shall carry a 6-month suspension period and gross negligence will carry a one-year suspension period.
c. Any member may be expelled from the Registry as stated in termination guidelines.
d. Any person who has been expelled from the Registry concerning Code of Ethics infractions may reapply for membership to the Registry after a period of one year.
e. Members terminated for annual dues not received may be reinstated if paid within sixty (60) days of termination.