Gun Dog Supply
Since 1972, Gun Dog Supply has carried dog training supplies, dog training collars, tracking collar systems and more. They actually stock what they sell and most orders ship out the same business day from their 7500-square foot warehouse. If you need any help deciding what dog training supplies and equipment you need, you can always get advice from their staff.
Bud Williams Stockmanship
As well as being a well-known premier stock handler, Bud Williams also developed livestock marketing techniques to assist rancher’s in making profitable management decisions about what to sell and buy. His Bud Williams’ School teaches proper stockmanship and makes livestock handling experiences easier and more enjoyable, combining good stockmanship and marketing.
Stock Dog Savvy
Jeanne Joy Hartnagle-Taylor is the third of four generations to enjoy a lifetime association with farm and ranch dogs. She has titled her dogs in all areas of competition and has been in the top ten at the ASCA National Stockdog Finals. The Stockdog Savvy blog was created as an extension of her book, Stockdog Savvy, which contains chapters on herding dog characteristics, instinct, and choosing a herding dog.